Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cooking Lessons - Thin Mints Recipe

I came across a website with a vegan thin mint cookie recipe and was intrigued. I tried it out today, with some modifications. The cookies came out delicious. Its definitely going to be a recipe that I add to my rotation of cookies for Nathan. Even Justin tried one and gave them two thumbs up, and he is pretty particular to anything that is egg and milk free. Evan didnt like them, but, he doesnt like mint at all, and these cookies, even with the modifications are very minty. I might be tempted to even half the mint extract again the next time I make the cookies, they were very strong mint flavor!! The recipe as stated here yielded 38 2 inch diameter round cookies. If I were making the recipe again, Id double the entire thing and freeze half the dough for later use.

Start with 1 1/4 cups of flour.
Add 1/2 cup of cocoa powder.
Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.
Mix well. The actual recipe calls for pulsing in the food processor, but, I dont have a food processor and didnt think it was necessary anyway.
Add 3/4 cup vegan margarine. I use Fleischmann's UNSALTED. For some reason the salted package contains milk. So, if you want these to be dairy free, dont use anything but the UNSALTED brand. I softened my vegan margarine for about 20 seconds in the microwave before I added it. Vegan margarine is so soft to begin with that it almost is not necessary to soften it at all.
Add 3 tablespoons of rice milk. I guess you could use soy milk as well, but, since Nathan is allergic to soy, we stick with the rice milk. This is our favorite rice milk, and one of the cheapest Ive found.
Add 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract and 1/4 teaspon of peppermint extract. I cut the peppermint in half for this batch, and like I mentioned above, the cookies were still VERY minty.
Mix all the ingredients together well, I did this with a spoon until everything was pretty well blended and then I just used my hands.
Eventually you get dough that looks like this:
Wrap up the dough and put it in the fridge for about an hour. Roll out the dough into small balls and flatten them with your hands into 1 1/2 inch rounds. This is very messy and sticky. The dough sticks to your hands like crazy. Bake in the oven at 350 F for about 12 minutes, give or take a minute. Your cookies will come out like this.
While the cookies are cooling you can make the coating for the top. Use 1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips (dairy free of course). Add 1/2 tablespoon vegan margarine. Melt this. I microwaved mine slowly, stirring every 20 seconds or so until it was just melted. [The original recipe called for adding peppermint to the coating too, which I did not do, because I could already smell how strong the cookies were, and may or may not have sampled a cooling cookie.]

Once the cookies are fully cooed, put a dollop of coating on each and with the back of a spoon spread it evenly on the top of the cookies.
Now try not to eat the whole batch before Nathan wakes up from his nap :)

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