Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ryan, What Did You Do Today?

If you lived in my house, you would know who Ryan was. But, since we are at maximum capacity here folks, Ill fill you in on the little family secret. Ryan is my middle son. What? You say that you clearly remember that my middle son's name is Evan? Well, you are wrong. Or at least Nathan says you are. Nathan calls Evan "Ryan" constantly. Its not something that sounds sortof like Evan/Ryan or something that you could mistake as Ryan. No, its actually clearly just Ryan. And its persistantly consistent. Its gotten to the point where I have caught myself referring to Evan as Ryan as well. Nathan will ask, "Where Ryan go?" And without even thinking I will say, "Ryan went to school". Today I caught myself saying it in front of Evan, to which he didn't even bat an eyelash. Its *almost* become a nickname, in some bizarre not-shorter-than-his-real-name nickname way (like Jack and John, which, OMG I still dont get). Poor Ryan.

And speaking of him. Today was his 6 year physical. Evan is 46 inches tall (he grew three inches since last year!) and 44 lbs. He is in great health and such a great boy!

The last two days have been a whirlwind of activities around here. What did we do? Well, there was kickboxing class for me, two karate classes, cub scouts, a playdate for Evan, Evan's physical, and an after school playdate for Justin. Phew....

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