Monday, March 26, 2012

Around the House This Weekend

This past week was just beautiful weather, we spent most of the time outdoors doing yard work, playing and enjoying ourselves. I have very little pictures to show for it all, I was too busy soaking up every single minute of the sun and vitamin D. This weekend was back to reality, the temps were cool and the weather was wet, more like the weather we would expect.

We still had a wonderful weekend, despite the rainy cool weather. Saturday the older boys both had karate. In the afternoon I had a yoga retreat which was wonderfully relaxing and peaceful. Saturday night Evan spent with my parents. Sunday Justin and I did errands and grocery shopping. Justin and I have this new routine where we grocery shop together, and hit up the local used book store on our way. Its really fun to get lost in the shelves of all those books just waiting to be read, its even more fun to share it with Justin who has inherited my love for books and reading, especially book series. Its dangerous with the two of us together because we lose track of time so easily together exploring the books. Its a special time for me to spend with just Justin. It also makes me look forward to the tedious task of grocery shopping a little! Sunday evening our long lost son returned with my parents and we all shared dinner together.

I dont think I ever posted pictures of our completed basement project! Here it is in its completion. The room is HUGE. We have plenty of space for the kids to all play and have many activities going on at once. We have a games and projects table.
We have a bookshelf overflowing with books for the boys.
We have a huge open space for playing whatever the boys want. We also have a couch, tv and the Wii downstairs.
Im so thrilled with the space. And the boys are too. Its so much quieter on the weekends when Nathan naps, to have the boys in the basement instead of constantly reminding them to be quiet. Its also alot easier to keep the house clean on the living levels.

Here are a couple random pictures of Nathan from our week/weekend:

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