The weekend started with Nathan in his favorite pjs (courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa - thanks!). I dont know what we are going to do when he outgrows these pjs. They are his absolute favorite. They are also very difficult to get him out of in the mornings. He tells me, "no, I wear Lightning McQueen today". And we go through a whole routine where I tell him we have to change our pjs in the morning and he asks why and I tell them they are dirty, and he asks why, and I tell him because he slept in them all night, and eventually I just say, "because". And end the conversation. Nathan has caught on to this. And now when I ask him something he will say, "'cos". Smart boy.
The boys in their karate uniforms playing computer games waiting to leave for class. Karate will be wrapping up at the end of this month for the boys. We will be moving on to baseball and tball in the Spring. Im hoping that the boys will pick karate back up in the end of the summer or early Fall again.
Nathan loves playing in the sink in the kitchen while I make dinner. Its a great activity for him to keep him occupied while I work. Justin loved playing in the sink too at this age, I have many pictures of him in quite the same pose as Nathan is here.
Another kitchen chore that Nathan loves to do is salad spinning for me. He is very excited every time I pull out the spinner. He always asks, "Nate-Nate do it? No open it." all in one sentence, which is cute.
Its hard work!!!
Ah, those blue, blue eyes of Nathan's. I just love them.
Sunday I got my first set of seeds planted indoors. This year I used the newsprint rolls instead of the seedling plastic containers they sell in the stores. Last year I used them and I had horrible luck with them because they were too small and the seedlings got root bound before they temps outside were safe to transplant them so I had to transplant them twice, which was alot of work. Also, when I transplanted them the plastic broke the root a bit. This year Im starting out with larger containers in the hopes that I will not have to transplant them twice. And Ill just be able to cut the bottoms off the newsprint and put them right into the ground.
I got this idea off a website for rigging up the grow lights to maximize my space. I have to keep the seedlings in the kitchen to keep them warm enough until early May. Its a long time to have your kitchen taken over by a hundred or so seedlings. Last year I had no space left! So, this year Im hoping this will solve some of the space problems.
I started peppers and marigolds this weekend. Three varieties of peppers, and two varieties of marigolds. I love, love, love the smell of marigolds. And I read that marigolds have all these fabulous benefits for gardens related to pest control and that deer hate the smell. So, Im growing a bunch from seed and plant to line the garden edges with them.
The weather this weekend was beautiful. Sunday the boys spent the entire day outdoors having so much fun. Nathan was only inside for the couple hours he napped. I love the nice weather and hope its around to stay!!!!
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