Friday, March 30, 2012


With food allergies, its the little things that sometimes brighten my day. Like today when I was doing our "allergy" food shopping at Hannafords and found cereal for Nathan! I have searched the cereal isle time and time again while out grocery shopping and have never been able to find one that doesn't contain corn, meal or syrup. Today I stumbled upon Puffed Rice cereal that contains nothing but puffs of rice. No sugar, no color additives, preservatives, and most importantly no corn. I was delighted and brought it home to promptly try out on Nathan. Being that its just rice, I was figuring it might be a hard sell. So, I popped that bag right into his brother's Rice Krispies box and viola, instant excitement for cereal! I added a bit of rice milk in a bowl to the puffs and handed him the spoon and told him to dig in. I also told him that he could keep the box in front of him while he ate because one of the best parts of eating cereal is reading the box while you eat. "Nate-Nate read and eat?" he asked. Oh yeah buddy, welcome to the world of cereal.

And eat he did!!!!
And eat...
And eat...
He was one happy kid. Wait until tomorrow when I add some fresh blueberries to his cereal - its going to BLOW HIS MIND.
Today was an allergy-win day!!!

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