Thursday, March 8, 2012

First Week of March

Saturday we celebrated Evan's 6th birthday with my parents. My mom made a fabulous Mario Kart cake for Evan (upon his request). He was super excited about it. I cant believe that Evan is 6 years old already. Where has the time gone? The boys are getting a kick out of the fact that we are the "EVEN" family right now, being that everyone's age for the moment is now even.

My mom and dad made this fabulous bookshelf for Evan for his birthday and his new Mario room. He was absolutely blown away by it when he saw it. Nathan liked it alot too, as you can see here, he figured out that some of the shelf compartments open quite quickly.
Some pictures of Evan's Mario room wall decals. He is quite proud of his new room, which has made the adjustment to being alone without his brother a bit easier. But, still, its been hard on Evan. I will say, Evan and Justin are both sleeping much longer and better without the constant waking each other up at night and in the mornings.
Nathan loves painting and usually does so when his brothers get home from school and are working on homework. Its cute to have all the boys sitting around the table doing work together.
On Evan's actual birthday I took him to Chuck E Cheese for the morning before school. We met two of his school friends over there. We were the first people there in the morning and Evan was delighted to discover that they had done machine cleaning/resetting the night before and there thousands of tickets scattered on the floor. Evan, being the first one in that morning, was allowed to run around and pick up all the tickets off the ground and keep them! He and his friends got over 2000 tickets! It made his YEAR. I wish I had my camera to capture the smile on his face, it was so huge. Im so happy he had such a special treat on his special day. The boys had a blast together. I was able to relax and chat with my friends while the boys played because my mom took Nathan, who has been sick with croup, for the morning for me.

Evan brought cupcakes to school to share with his classmates. I ordered the cupcakes from my friend from my mom's group, she makes the most fabulous cupcakes/cake toppers. Evan wanted the exact cupcakes that he had last year. And thats what he got. He was super proud to bring them in to his class.
Our week nights are insanely busy, with activities, homework, sports, etc. Evan's birthday was no exception. We squeezed in some present opening in between Karate and Cub Scouts. Evan got some Mario stuffed pillows for his bed, little Mario Galaxy figurines and a big Luigi figure. Can you tell that Evan loves Mario?
Nathan found this Lego guy with a hard hat on the other day, and ran upstairs to his bedroom and found his plastic fireman hat and put it on and walked around the house saying, "Nate-Nate Lego guy same". He calls himself "Nate-Nate" which is insanely cute.
All three of the boys have stuffed snakes in their beds at night. It started years and years ago when a friend gave Justin a stuffed snake from Ikea for his birthday. Then Evan had to have one, and eventually Nathan started demanding a snake too. Today Nathan and Evan ran around playing with the stuffed snake, giggling and having so much fun together. It was nice to watch.

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