Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day

Hope the luck of the Irish shined down on you today and all that you did!!! We had a fun day celebrating with some leprechaun mischief, and festive foods.

The leprechaun left green foot prints in our bathroom all over the sink, the wall and the mirror.

He also turned the toilet water green!!!!

True and hilarious story: yesterday I bought the boys new trash cans for their bedrooms. I put them in their bedrooms yesterday afternoon. The boys slept in their rooms overnight, woke up this morning, saw the mess the leprechaun left, went back in their rooms, saw the new trash cans and brought them out squealing in delight: "the leprechaun brought us new trash cans". Im glad they were delighted, as weird as it may have been.

This year we didnt have time to build traps. I was a bit sad because this is a time honored tradition in our house. So, instead I made up for it with lots of St Patty's Day inspired foods.

Rainbow fruit with marshmallow clouds.

Green pancakes.

A special very green decorated dinner table. The boys got Lucky Charms cereal for dinner (along with meatloaf and other healthy foods) as a special treat.
And a special cake, its supposed to be green grass with gold nuggets. And when you cut into it....

You get a rainbow surprise! Evan helped me dye all the white cake batter yesterday. He had lots of fun with that.

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