Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Week and Weekend

My marigold seeds are already sprouting! Im excited for our garden this year! We are planning on adding a big (hopefully) deer-proof fence this year to the garden. Last year we lost all our pumpkins and our winter squash to the deer and groundhogs living in our woods. We are hoping that this year will be different with a fence!!! And also lots of marigolds planted around the exterior.Justin and I started a pineapple plant indoors as part of his cubscouts arrow point achivements.
Nathan decided to wear shades one day in the house. What cracks me up about this picture is that if you look close enough at it, you can see all these finger prints all over the glasses, I wonder how he can even see out of them!!!
Evan wearing his spy glasses, acting cool.
Rainbow cake bowls in the sink make me happy.
My parents took the boys out of school [shhh...] one day this week and went to the Planetarium. They had such a wonderful time. They simply could not stop talking about the experience. Justin has decided he is in love with all things stars and planets lately. He wants to be an astronomer when he grows up. He was especially excited about the trip.
The boys brought their own cameras with them on the trip and took lots of pictures. Actually, it was quite comical to upload the pictures and see what they took. There were just as many pictures of the lunch out with Nana and Pa as there were at the Planetarium.
We did alot of burning this weekend. Cleaning up the yard, and cutting some trees down that were giving shade in our garden where we didnt want shade. The boys loved the big fire.

The weather this weekend was beautiful and made for such a wonderful weekend outdoors. I love our yard. I will never get over how much happier I am living in a place where the boys can run free, and bike and play and enjoy the outdoors. Added bonus of our land, gardens and peach and apple trees, blueberries and blackberries (all with buds!) and so much to do. A very happy weekend indeed!
Justin and Evan competed in the pinewood derby this weekend. Justin placed first for his den, and Evan placed first for the sibling competition. Both boys were really proud and especially because they had their Pa and dad to cheer them on.
Justin's is the third from the left on the bottom row with Pickachu drawn on the hood.

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