Friday, March 2, 2012

More Winter Vacation Week

Mother Nature decided we needed a bit of snow this winter. Aside from the one storm we got in October, we have had no snow this whole winter. So, I couldnt exactly complain today when we woke up to this.The boys were definitely NOT complaining. They had a blast outside and spent HOURS out there. Nathan lasted the longest. Not even giving in when I asked if he wanted hot cocoa! Evan wins the award for the wettest and most snow covering him head to toe. Here he is rolling around in the stuff.
Evan and Nathan got a sled ride from me. Man, those two are getting heavy!
There was a snowball fight.
And some sort of wrestling match. All three boys are in that pile there.
And Nathan in his cute snow suit.
And when I finally dragged Nathan in from the snow after two hours we all had some hot cocoa.
Justin came downstairs in this pj ensemble and asked me if this pj top was too small. Um, yes. The thing is, this top fit in the Fall and now its at least 3 inches too small on him! I cant believe how tall and skinny he is getting lately.

Justin and Evan have been obsessed with their cameras lately. This is one part pleasing (because I love photography) and many parts disturbing to me. They catch me in the worst photos. And dont even get me started on what they catch on video! Do I really sound that annoyed sometimes? Its really an eye opener to see life through their "eyes". Here Justin was video taping a Hot Wheels scene.
Justin was working on a marble run project with paper towel holders that Ive been collecting over the past couple months. Its not complete yet, but, he spent alot of time in the design phase this week.
Nathan and his Cars cars. He loves them. He has "good guys" and "bad guys" and plays these little imaginative games where the bad guys crash and the good guys save cars by setting them right side up. Its all so cute!!!

This week we worked alot on Cub Scouts achievements, pins and belt loops. We completed FOUR belt loops! This was a project toward an arrow point achievement, Justin was making a native american traditional home. An igloo. He formed it with clay, dried it, and then painted it.
This is the finished project.
We also made recycled paper towards the art pin. Here the boys are stirring up their paper soup.
This is the finished product.

Here is a cute video of Nathan running around in the snow outside.

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