Sunday, April 1, 2012

You Know It's Getting Close To Easter When...

You know its getting close to Easter when your kitchen is filled with the sights and smells of the holiday! This week was full of all things Easter. First, there were Easter smores. These delicious treats are made like traditional smores but instead of a marshmallow you use a peep. The boys chose blue. Mmmmm. Delicious.
Finding new and creative ways to use peeps in cooking happens to be my specialty. Here is our "sunflower" cake with peeps and chocolate chips. Delicious!
And what would Easter be without Hot Cross Buns. It was my first time making them, and wow was this recipe delicious.
I also managed to make 3 doxen rice krispies eggs filled with M&Ms for our town's bake sale at the Easter egg hunt that took place this weekend.

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