Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Misc. Photos and Updates

We have been so so so so busy lately. Ive missed out on updating huge chunks of things going on in our lives. As Im typing this, Im uploading 209 pictures that I have not taken off my camera recently. The two older boys are in the town's baseball program this Spring and its a big time commitment. Justin practices 5 hours a week and Evan practices, separately, 2 hours a week. They both enjoy it very much, but, its time consuming. Add to that some projects we have in the yard (remember when I said that the basement was our last project for awhile?) and we have been almost too busy to imagine!

The big news is that we are getting a pool!!! Its a 24 foot round above ground pool. I think I might be more excited than the boys. Although to them its still a "pool" until it actually gets installed and is up and running. Its getting installed in early May and we are hoping that it is up and running by the first of June. I cant wait to watch the boys transform into fish this summer and the summers to come, having a pool in their backyard!!!

The second big news is that we tested milk on Nathan and he did not have a reaction. We are so excited because this opens up so many food options for him. He has been busily taste testing all the new dairy products.

Nathan had ice cream for the first time ever last week. He was so excited! And he loved it, naturally.
Evan and Andrew after baseball practice.

This outfit was one of Justin's favorites when he was Nathan's age, and whenever I see Nathan in it, I think of Justin.
It was so nice the other day that I decided to serve lunch outdoors for the boys. And on the menu? Mac and cheese! In fact, Nathan's first time ever eating mac and cheese!

Nathan enjoying his Annie's mac and cheese!!!
Earlier this week it was so hot here. It got up into the 90s, which in April is unheard of typically. The boys had me dragging out all the water toys and had so much fun playing outside for two solid days.

Nathan wanted to try on his brothers goggles. He looks so funny in them!
The first thing Justin did after getting the water set up was dunk his head under water in the pool. He has the longest hair I can ever remember him having here. (It got cut later this same day).
Evan decided that goggles were a must.
Nathan, before he decided that being naked in the yard was much more fun. Good thing we have a private yard!
A group shot of the boys. Evan decided that he had to sit in the water table, despite the three kiddies pools we own. Sigh.
The boys even dragged out the Slip and Slide! Always fun. Nathan was not brave enough to attempt it...this time...
Justin slippin' and sliding.
Tee ball practice for Evan. Thats him fielding balls with his cousin Andrew, they are both happily on the same team this year which is so much fun! Evan LOVES tee ball passionately. I love watching him out there playing his heart out.
An action shot of Evan throwing at a helmet on the tee, he really likes this game.
True story, I had a church lady come up to my house and ring the bell a week or so ago, she heard my loud kids inside, saw all the toys outside and asked if I ran a daycare. Sigh. Anyway, this is one of Nathan's favorite trucks at the moment, his dump truck that he pushes around the yard everywhere. Its so cute, he has a great imagination.
I gave all three of the boys Spring hair cuts this week. Three buzz cuts. The joy and ease of having boys whose head you can shave is still a novelty for me after 8 years. Nathan did really well sitting for the clippers all by himself this time. This is the before picture. (I do the cuts outside in the Spring, Summer and early Fall, its so much easier for cleanup).
The after shot: Much cooler and easier to manage.

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