Tuesday, April 24, 2012

School Vacation Week and Other Things

I went to log into blogger today to do a post and found that the entire site and blogging interface has changed dramatically.  Bear with me as I learn the changes....

Im playing a bit of catchup here.  Last week we went with some friends to explore a new playground.  It was tons of fun.  I made a deal with Evan that when school let out we would try and find one new playground a week to explore.

 I used to love Merry Go Rounds as a kid.  A local ice cream place had one on the side of a steep hill.  As a kid we would get ice cream, fill our bellies and then spin and spin around.  Today that makes me nauseous just thinking out it, but, back then, it was sheer enjoyment!  In our area merry go rounds are rare, this playground happened to have one!

 Back at home after school the kids played outdoors together really nicely on this afternoon.  Even Nathan joined in the fun, which is always nice to see.  Its hard because Justin and Nathan's age difference and stages are so large right now.
 I found Evan and Nathan snuggling together like this one morning, while they watched a show on tv.
 Nathan got new rain boots (just in time for all the rain!) he was quite excited to be wearing them around the yard just like I do with my purple gardening boots.

We had a wonderful weekend.  We got alot done in the yard, the garden fence is nearly complete!  G got his tractor out and Nathan enjoyed a ride around the yard, he was delighted when he got to steer!

  Justin had baseball practice, he made a couple great hits and had a couple good plays.
Afterwards we took a walk down to our town beach.  Nathan LOVED the beach and cried when we had to leave.  The next day he woke up and asked if we were going to the beach again.  It was pouring rain outside, so sadly, we didnt go.  G and his brother took the big boys to an indoor laser tag place.  Both boys had such a fabulous time and are dying to go back again.

I took these sweet pictures of Evan and Nathan together the other night.  After dinner Evan declared he was going to read to Nathan and picked him all his favorite books off the shelf and snuggled up on the couch with him and read and read to him.  The two giggled and talked and it was about the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  Moments like these are priceless.

 This week is school vacation week.  Its been raining off and on and cold, and the forecast for the rest of the week doesnt look much better, which is a bit of a bummer.  But, we are making the most of it.  Yesterday I took all three boys to an indoor soccer arena for an open play.  The boys' cousin Andrew met us there with Scott.  Everyone had a very good time and got nice and tired!!!

Nathan and his friend Bella.
Nathan in the tunnel.
 Boys on giant soccer balls.
Andrew and Evan.

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