Saturday, April 7, 2012

School Papers

I thought I would scan in some school papers to share with you. The boys have been both bringing home some really great work from school. We were so lucky to get two fabulous teachers for the boys this year. Both are excelling in school and love learning.

Evan is doing a lot with numbers and math right now. He can write his number upwards of 200 now! This paper he brought home a couple weeks ago. I cant tell you how happy we are with Evan's fine motor progress this year. Last year he could barely hold his pencil. But, through private occupational therapy, great teachers and lots of hard work and practice, he is doing fabulous now.This was a Tally assignment that Evan did at school. (You can click on each of the images to enlarge them).
This was a poem that Justin brought home from school, called the 5 W's Poem, they had to answer the following W's in the poem: Who, What, Where, When, Why in the poem. I have to laugh because this is such a "boy" poem.
This was a really amusing drawing of comparisons that Justin brought home. I like how the sun's rays increase as the temperature gets hotter, and of course, the exploding thermometer is a brilliant touch.

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