Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Weekend Around the Yard

The weather was beautiful this weekend. In between baseball (three practices), a birthday party, and a cub scout pack meeting, we managed to get out and work in the yard. Everything is coming up or in bloom already! I saw all the rhubarb sprouting up in the garden. The chives are already about a foot tall. Our peach tree has blooms covering its branches. I just love Spring and Summer.

Here are some pictures from the yard.

We hired someone to come and push about 8 big boulders that were right in the middle of where I planned to expand my garden this year. He came on Saturday, much to Nathan's delight, he exclaimed, "there is a backhoe in MY yard!!!" I was pretty excited too. THe new garden now measures 46 feet by 28 feet. Ive graphed out every square foot of it, planning all my vegetable seedlings placement. This year we are having pumpkins, gourds, acorn squash, butternut squash, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and peas. Plus a bunch of herbs and of course our rhubarb, and fruit trees. All 20 of my blueberry bushes I planted from last year took and are sprouting away too!
We took out the bounce house for the boys to work off some energy.

This year Nathan can JUMP!!! This adds to the delight-fullness of the whole experience for him.
It was a good, good weekend.

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