Monday, July 30, 2012

The Weekend and More

I've been neglecting my blog. The garden has been taking over the majority of my time.  You see, its peach season, and we have alot.  Ive been canning jam in all my spare time.  This week I attempt canned peaches.  Also, Ive been trying to pickle all the cucumbers that keep growing on our plants.  And then there are the kids and all the fun things we have been busy doing.  Here is just a sampling:

G and I took the older two boys to a local minor league baseball game last weekend.  It was TONS of fun.  A huge thanks to my parents for watching Nathan for the night so we could enjoy the game without distractions.  

Evan and I at the game.

What's a baseball game without some treats?!

Between innings things were thrown into the stadium.  The kids got a couple soft balls!

This past week Evan had baseball camp about a half hour away from our home.  Instead of doing 2 hours of driving each day, Nathan, Justin and I found activities to do near the camp.  On this day, we went blueberry picking in the rain.  The kids were real troopers though and we managed to pick 18 pounds of blueberries!!  It was quite wet but lots of fun.  

Nathan loves blueberries. So does Justin!!!

I love this photo of Nathan with the blueberries in his hands.  So cute.

While we were at the farm we visited the animals and fed them.  Nathan got too close with this bag he was keeping his goat food in and the goat snatched it right out of his hand and ate the entire bag, food and all before you could blink an eye!  So funny.  Nathan was laughing hysterically over the whole episode.
Guess who was back the other night on our window screen?  Our friend the tree frog.  That frog really likes our family apparently.

Nathan is quite the smart kid.  The other night while I was prepping dinner and he was having his first course of dinner, he created this pattern with his tomatoes and grapes.  He called out to me, "mommy I need more red ones".  Sure enough, he was right!  He is amazing at math and sorting at 2 years old!!!

Canned peach jam.  YUM!!!

 I took the kids on an adventure this morning, just me and the boys exploring a park I havent been to in a couple years.  So much fun.  This is the old lady in the shoe house, and the boys are peering in the window to look for all the kids :)

I think I forgot to post the pictures we had taken of the boys a few weeks back now.  They did a really great job.  We had a great photographer too.  He managed to get a decent shot of all three boys together, something I cannot pull off by myself!!!  

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