Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Things That Keep Me Up At Night

The other morning G calmly called myself and the boys 
into the bathroom for a family meeting. He pulled back 
the shower curtain where he had just finished his
 morning shower and asked us to take a look around.
I dont remember who first spotted it, but, there sitting 
behind a cup in the corner of the shower was a tree
 frog. Now this tree frog was no stranger to our family.
The day before Nathan had caught him and enjoyed 
playing with him in the yard for a couple hours, after 
which he told me "I let him go". A fact his older 
brothers, who were also outside, corroborated.

These are the pictures I took the day before of
Nathan with the tree frog outside.

Awwww, how sweet and gentle Nathan is being.

He was really fascinated by its mouth and eyes.

So, how did the tree frog find its way into our upstairs bathroom tub?
 These are questions that keep me awake at night pondering.
 What Ive hypothesized is that after the tree frog fun, when I
brought Nathan inside for a bath and then bed, either Nathan
had the frog in his hands and I didnt notice, or it was stuck to
his shorts or back and we didnt notice. I guess I'll never really
know. Needless to say G had quite the surprise while taking his

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