Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth of July

Nathan has been frequently requesting evening trips to the "beach" to swim and dig in the sand.  Its so quiet and relaxing at the beach at night, so we happily oblige.  This visit Nathan was really into "swimming" in the water.  He figured out his life vest would help him float.  He stretched out his legs behind him and his arms in front of him and kick, kick, kicked.  It was quite impressive to watch.  He loves the water.

 Thats one happy boy!!!
 Nathan has been enjoying lots of play dates with friends *his* age.  Not siblings of his brothers friends, his very own friends.  Its great to watch him interact with other kids.

 Enjoying flowers cut from the garden.
 Deciding on the color for our shed and our house.  Big decisions require lots and lots of paint samples.  We still dont have it narrowed down to any we absolutely love but #3 and #4 from the left are the leaders of the pack right now.
 Beautiful daylillies of all colors are blooming right now in my flower gardens.

 And Black Eyed Susan flowers.
 And the peaches are getting riper!!!
 The biggest news of our week has been Nathans accident on 4th of July.  Poor kid fell coming down the pool ladder stairs and landed so perfectly that he knocked his top front tooth cleanly right out, root and all.  It was quite traumatic but he seems to be doing better today.  We visited the dentist and they told us that luckily there was no jaw damage and seemingly no damage to the gums.  We have to wait to see about the adult tooth, in about 5 -6 years from now.  We also have to wait and see if the other front tooth turns black and needs to come out too.  We should know more next week or so.  He looks quite silly with a missing tooth at such a young age.  As if his smile wasn't silly enough looking ;)  Here's the photographic proof.

He earns the unique distinction of losing his first tooth before his older 6 year old brother Evan, who has yet to lose a tooth!!!  This is our 4th ER visit with the boys.  3 separate stitches incidents and the knocked out tooth.  I figure, according to the law of averages for boys, this is only a little over one per child, which, is pretty lucky I think.

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