Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Camp

This year because we got the swimming pool and we are saving for a deck for the pool, I decided to cut way back on the kid's summer camps. The only camp that I signed the boys up for together this summer [Evan is attending a baseball camp independent of Justin in a few weeks] was an inventing camp that a friend of mine raved about and I knew I wanted the boys to try.  The camp turned out to be a wonderful week for the boys.  They came home every day so excited about all the things they were doing and learning.  It was by far the most enthusiastic they have ever been about summer camp.  

The camp was just perfect for Justin, who is a kid who loves to tinker with parts and pieces and take things apart.  He won the award for the most stuff he hauled home from camp this week.  My house needs a good purge before the summer is over :)  I wasn't sure about how Evan would do in the camp, because it involved alot of fine motor work.  But, Evan came home every day happy and proud of what he worked on.  I think for him it was a great experience gaining confidence in such activities.  

Justin's future 3rd grade teacher was in charge of one of the modules of the camp.  So, Justin got to spend a bit of time every day during the week with her, getting to know her.  He came away saying how nice she was and more excited about his class in the Fall.

The last day of camp, the parents were invited to come and view a presentation that featured the work that the kids did.  The whole thing was just so well organized and run.  Im really impressed.  Both boys already said they want to go back next year!!!  

There were 98 campers in total in the program.  It was a sea of kids, I caught a picture of Justin waving at me:

 The slide show featured so many pictures of the kids during the week.  This is a picture of Justin on wacky Wednesday when he died his hair the brightest yellow I have ever seen.
 A picture of Evan and his cousin who also participated in the camp, working on an invention.
 Evan demonstrating his water balloon popping device he made himself.
 Justin showing off one of his creations, a robot.
 Evan in his camp shirt.
 Justin and Evan in their camp shirts together.

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