Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy July!!!

What could be more relaxing than snuggling with three of my most favorite people in the world?  This was taken two days before the big boys left for the beach with my parents.  Getting some last bit of love in before a week and a half apart.

Its been very quiet around the house with the older two boys off on vacation with my parents.  They are really enjoying their time with Nana and Pa alone.  Swimming in the ocean, playing in the sand, they have their cousins there to play with too and my aunt and uncle.  Its a very special trip for them and Im so grateful to my parents for taking on the responsibility of having them for such a long time.  Im so happy that the boys will have memories of the ocean and the beach to grow up with.  

Meanwhile at home, Nathan has been spoiled by lots of special attention.  HWe have been doing lots of things together, play dates with friends his age, which is a novelty for him, reading together, playing together, going on special adventures.   Its alot different with only one child in tow.  Im amazed at how much hectic and hurried I feel.  Its like a mini vacation for me too.

 Nathan loves being in the "big pool" as he calls it.

Ive been spending alot of my time in the garden enjoying myself lately.  My garden is absolutely amazing right now.  With the heat we have had recently everything is getting huge and growing so fast.  I love, love, love gardening.  Its such a rewarding and delicious hobby and one among many of the fabulous things we are afforded with our new house and yard.  Being in the garden is so relaxing.

This is one of my herb gardens, half weeded.  I have Oregano, thyme, chives, rosemary and scallions growing in it.
 And there is a border of grapevine that needs some taming this Fall, growing along the herb garden.

This year I started 20+ marigold plants from seeds and lined my garden with the flowers.  I read that it helps keep away deer and other garden-eating-critters, because they dont like the smell of the marigold flowers.  We also are using pinwheels to keep away unwanted guests.

 Outside the garden, the peach tree is full of young fruit.  I cant wait to make freshly grilled peaches this year.  YUM.

 We are going to have a lot of blackberries this year.  The vines are full of berries.  Nathan loves blackberries.  He picks and eats them right off the vines.  Im going to have to fight him for them if I hope to make any blackberry jam with them this year.
 Blackberry vines.

 A view of the garden.  I have 30 tomato plants this year, every single one started from seed.  In fact, this year the entire garden, with the exception of the 8 pepper plants, was started from seed.  Im hoping to have lots and lots of tomatoes for canning this year.  Last year I canned about 15 jars of diced tomatoes and Im down to my last two jars.  I also canned the most delicious salsa that has long since been devoured.  Homemade salsa just cant be put in the same category as the canned stuff you buy in the stores.
 Our zucchini has already given us two squash!!!  I am currently simmering in the crock pot a homemade spaghetti sauce with the zucchini, basil from our garden, and chinese eggplant from my mother's garden, picked fresh today, and the canned tomatoes from last year from our garden.  It smells wonderful.
 Acorn squash between rows of tomatoes.
 Pickling cucumbers.
 A cute little cucumber growing on the vine.
 More views of the garden.  A friend of mine suggested this tee-pee for our peas.  I started it late in the season, so the peas haven't taken off, I'm hoping for a fall crop of them.  The boys love the tee-pee idea and had fun helping me make it.

 Sunflowers.  Two are nearly taller than me now!!!
 The other night we took Nathan to the beach.  We decided to check out a local beach Ive never been to before.  He had a blast playing in the water and on the sand.  There were very few kids there and it was so enjoyable to just sit on the sand and watch him play.  He is such a great kid.

I can't remember if I mentioned this or not, but, about a month ago, while G and Evan were out of town visiting his relatives, I decided to potty train Nathan.  He caught on almost immediately, which I was surprised about because he is only 2 years and 6 months old.  We have been working on it for a couple weeks and he is completely trained now.  He tells you when he has to go to the bathroom.  Or if we are home he just runs over to the potty and sits down and goes without even saying anything until he is done.  No nagging him to use the bathroom or reminders about sitting on the potty.  It was so easy, he was definitely ready.  Nathan now holds the honor of being the youngest of all the boys to be completely potty trained.  :)

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