Thursday, July 12, 2012

Favorites From Justin's Camera

I've been downloading all the pictures the boys took with their cameras while on vacation with my parents.  I have to say, I value and treasure these pictures far more than any I could have taken on vacation.  What the boys capture is so much more candid and express what really was important to *them* on vacation.  I love seeing the world and their fun through their eyes.  Hands down, their digital cameras are one of the best presents they have ever gotten.  

Here are just some of my favorites from Justin's camera. 

My dad folding a towel:
 My uncle reading a book.  It must have been a chilly day at the beach because he has a sweatshirt on.
 Army men lined up for battle in the sand:
 Evan in a bucket, chillin'.
 Justin squeezing Evan's head, whilst Evan is unaware of his impending doom.  (My favorite shot of the whole vacation).
 My mom with lots of sunscreen ready to lather on someone.
 Evan buried.
 The gang at the beach.
 Who is napping and who is supposed to be napping here Kevin?
 Andrew, Scott, Kevin and Aly in the water.
 My mom with an Army man in her hair.

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