Monday, July 9, 2012

More of July

I just cant seem to make up my mind about the paint color for the shed and house.  Anything would be better than the baby blue we are currently sporting on our shed.  It was *supposed* to be Colonial Blue.  Im branching out from the yellows and beiges and trying some new colors, greens and blues.  Have I mentioned how much I hate decisions?

This week has been what I refer to as "Nathan's vacation" because he has gotten so much attention with his brothers away and done so many fun things with me.  I took him blue berry picking at a local farm.  He had so much fun and was a really big help.  I gave him a cup and told him to fill it with the blue blueberries only, and thats what he did.  For more than an hour he just picked and filled his cup and then dumped it in the big bucket when it was full.  I was amazed by how well he did.  

 He didnt run around the aisles of bushes, he didnt throw blue berries or hang on the branches or pick the green ones, or any of the other things I imagined could make for an early exit from the blueberry picking adventure.  I was very impressed.
 Afterwards Nathan enjoyed some blueberry donuts with his friends.  YUM.

 Then we got some animal food and fed the sheep and goats.  Nathan really loves animals.  I was a bit nervous about the saliva from the sheep and goats considering how allergic he is to dog saliva.  But, it turns out he isnt allergic to either.  Maybe we will get a pet sheep or goat instead of a dog :)
 Right after I took this picture Nathan leaned right in and nuzzled the sheep's head with his face, it was so precious but I didnt snap the picture because I was busy running over to make sure his face didnt get bit by a disgruntled sheep.  LOL.
 The goats were not as gentle and snuggly as the sheep.
 Happy boy.
 Nathan and his friends playing with the goats.
 After feeding all the animals I reated Nathan to chocolate ice cream from the farm, which he ate in the car.  My mother's car.  Which was not one of my brighter decisions of the week.  Mom, if you are reading this: your car had a nice interior bath after this.  And also, thanks for having leather seats.
 Nathan gets gummy bears as a treat for *ahem* using the potty.  This morning, he declared to me "mommy I sort" and sure enough he had sorted by color all his gummy bears.  Impressive.
 I took a trip with Nathan to see the Clydesdale horses this weekend.  We got treated to watching them get baths!  Nathan looked on intently.  Horses are one animal I dont particularly care for.  They scare me with their largeness and unpredictability.  
 But, Nathan, he just loved them!!!

 On Saturday night G was gone to the island to pick up the big boys and bring them home, much to their disappointment.  Both boys told me that they wanted to stay longer and how unfair it was that they had to come home. But, to be fair, they were having the time of their lives with my parents and its hard to say goodbye to the time of your life, for any age, but especially at 8 and 6 years old.  They came home decked out in their island gear, new shirts, bracelets, necklaces, hats.  They looked a bit like tourists :)  Im in the process of uploading their pictures to share, so stay tuned.

Left alone, Nathan and I become regular party animals.  Staying up past our bedtimes, eating sugar for dinner, and generally partying like its 2012.  A friend of mine hosted an after 4th of July party at her house and a few of my mom friends came with their kids.  My cheeks hurt so much from smiling during the party.  Nathan had the most fun Ive ever seen him enjoy.  He just was in his element with all the other kids and surrounded by so much fun.

He had smores.

And made, quite possibly, a bigger mess than he had the day before with the ice cream in the car.  

 He played with old friends, new to him.  This is my dear friend's son who is Justin's age.  I feel like Ive known him most of his life and over the years watched him play so nicely with my kids, now Nathan included.  I just love this photo.
 Nathan got to use "fireworks" pop-its.

 And play in the yard.  He scaled this club house like it was his job, and he managed to do it one handed while eating a marshmallow!!!
 And we got to enjoy some home fireworks display.  I was surprised he was not scared at all.
 By the time we got home it was late, shhhhh....dont tell that we stayed up late enough for it to be almost dark out!  And he got to enjoy his glow sticks!
Now its back to routines with all three boys home.  The older boys have already been swimming in the pool since coming home yesterday.  They are both excited to have new face masks to use in the pool.  While at the beach they discovered the joys of masks and snorkels!!!

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