Thursday, August 9, 2012

Neglect of a Blog

When the weather is nice and the garden is blooming and the swimming pool is calling our names and there is just so much outdoor fun to be had, its hard to justify sitting down for a full post on the blog.  Nonetheless, here are some highlights from the last week or so.  

G promised the boys to get them a giant ice cream cone to split between them.  This was TWO pounds of ice cream!  They managed to eat half of it and brought the second half home!  We have decided to make this a yearly tradition to see how much the volume consumed by the children increases over the coming years!  

Justin took this first picture.  He was laughing so hard while taking it that it came out all blurry which is hilarious.

The boys and their ice cream.

A trip to a park.  Evan wearing the brightest yellow shirt that has ever existed.
Nathan and his friend at the park.
The big trip of the last week was to a farm that we just adore.  The boys had such a great time feeding and petting the animals, and playing on all the playgrounds and in the water park there.  I met up with two of my friends there and between us we had 9 kids and really had not a single problem.  What a great day.

Evan was in heaven when he got to hold this soft black bunny.  He was so gentle and kind.  He loves animals.  He tells me frequently that some day he wants to be a veterinarian.  I think he would make an excellent one.
The boys with a baby goat.
Evan and Nathan with a baby goat.  I love this photo.
Nathan for the life of him could not figure out what the things attached to the goat's head were.  When I told him they were the goat's ears, he said, "why are they so LONG?!"  It was very cute.
The goat wanted my camera, or hair.  Or both.
Justin on the water slide at the water park portion of the farm.

At first Nathan did NOT like the spray park.  The water was getting on his hair and in his eyes.  But, eventually he warmed up to it and had a fun day.

He kept telling me that they were giant "drinkers" which I think he meant bubblers, and tried actually drinking from them.  YUCK!
Snack break.

The favorite part of the park for Evan was the go-carts.  He rode and rode and rode them around and around, he must have pedaled miles.  Id love to get him something like this for home.  I think it would be great exercise and muscle building for him.

Justin rode too.
The boys liked these little sit and scooter things alot too.  Even Nathan could make them go!
A couple really cute pictures of Evan.  Love that kid.

This is *so* Evan: laughing and joking around and having a great time no matter what he does.
The fruits of my labors: salads fresh from the garden all ingredients grown by moi.
Measuring my sunflower in the garden.  its 11 feet tall!

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