Tuesday, August 14, 2012

More from Justin's Camera

Its that time again...time to unload all the boys' pictures from their cameras.  Time to smile and laugh, alot. There is no greater peek into the boy's lives than to see their pictures from their camera.  

This month I found this wonderful picture of Evan smiling, this is *so* Evan.  I love it.  It appears to have been taken in the parking lot of the grocery store.

A more artistic view of Evan through Justin's fingers.  The tongue is a nice touch.

 Me outside our entry way.

 There were a series of this robot dude doing various things like talking on the phone.

 Then there was this series of army men in various positions, taking from inside the car.

 I particularly like the touch of ripping open the bottom of the cup to hide out the army man.

Justin's mouth.

At the orthodontist office filling out paper work before our appointment.

Justin getting examined by the orthodontist, this one was taken by Evan.

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