Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More Pictures More Fun

My kiddos with both sets of grandparents all together!  It doesn't get much better than this!!!
 We went out for ice cream with my cousin, cousin's wife, their son, my aunt, uncle and my Nana who turned 99 years old the day before. Thats right folks, my Nana pictured here is 99 years old.  Don't believe me?  Its the truth!!!  She is amazing.  She got her favorite, maple walnut ice cream.  It was such a fun night.
 Nathan couldn't have ice cream, cross contamination with the scoops from the peanut butter ice cream.  We got him jelly beans instead and he happily munched while everyone ate.  I will say one thing about kids with food allergies, the ones I have met, they are pretty great at adapting to disappointments.  Sure Nathan wanted that chocolate ice cream we talked up in the car the entire way to the ice cream shop, but, he didnt cry and he didn't throw a fit.  Why?  Because he has learned at the age of 2 that there are just some things you can't have.  Its a great lesson he should teach his older brothers (not to mention lots of adults) who are far less able to adapt to disappointments.   Sometimes I feel a tinge of sadness for him (for sure next time Ill remember to bring him his own ice cream from home) but a lot of times I look at his food allergies as such a blessing to him, making him stronger, wiser, tougher.  Life is full of things you want and cant have and pain and disappointment.  But, its also full of joy and goodness (like chocolate jelly belly jelly beans - YUM) if you look for it.

 Nana with some of her great grandkids.
 And with my cousin and I.
 Nathan loves to read.  Have I mentioned this to you?  Im sure I have.  Nathan could read for hours.  Book after book after book...you get the point.  I love spending time snuggled up with him with books.
 What a sweet boy!!!

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