Friday, August 31, 2012

First Day of School

The boys on their first days of school.  Evan is in first grade.  Justin is in third grade.  Nathan is in heaven because he gets all mommy's undivided attention  
 Zombie Justin.
 Walking to the bus stop.
 I dont know who is going to miss whom more.  I think that Evan might just Nathan more than he misses Evan.  Evan and Nathan have become great buddies this past year.
 Waiting at the bus stop.  Our neighborhood has NO kids.  Its just my boys.
 Smiling Evan.

They each had a great day.  Justin LOVES his teacher this year, who is a nice and young and super energetic  person.  Its quite the change from what we have requested in the past for him (his teachers in past years have had an average of 30 years of teaching experience!)  But, we are going to see what the year brings with this change of environment in school.  Justin is a very, very smart kid so Im not worried academically at all.  Evan hasn't been vocal about his teacher yet.  I have no idea who she is or what she looks like even.  Im confident that Evan was placed appropriately though, because he has an education plan to help guide decisions related to his education.  He came home happy so Im happy too!

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