Saturday, September 1, 2012

These First Few Days

The whole atmosphere of our home has changed in the last couple days.  A quiet has settled over the house, enveloping it in calmness.  I can feel the house sighing as it exhales and releases all that craziness that three boys 24/7 bring to it.  I'm sighing and releasing some stress too.  I love my boys and feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to be home with them and watch them grow being a stay at home mom.  I love the chaos of three loud, wild boys (and chaos is probably an understatement).  But, like any job, everyone needs a vacation.  The older boys returning to school full time is my "vacation".  

Im delighting in spending so much time with Nathan.  It was rare that Nathan and I got to have one on one time together before now.  He is such a fabulous little boy.  Im enjoying being able to do things with one child that I didnt get to do leisurely with the three boys this summer.  Like trips to the grocery store, making dinner less harried, cleaning the house top to bottom, running errands.  Quite a vacation, no?  

But, aside from the mundane things, there are so many wonderful things.  Like building forts, listening to Nathan's little ideas come out of him uninterrupted, crafts with him, relaxing in the yard, having play dates with  friends just for Nathan.  

Here is the fort Nathan made for himself.

This is the dinner I made for my sister's birthday during Nathan's nap.  I love making food.  I love it even more when its uninterrupted by children :)
 Happy birthday Laura!!!

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