Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Apple Picking

Over the weekend I took the younger two boys apple picking.  This year we decided to try a new orchard right in town that I had heard great things about.  The place is really cool, an older couple runs the orchard which is on a farm, and just perfect for the kids.  

They have wagons you can use in the orchards.  Evan decided he wanted to pull Nathan on the path to the orchards.  He told me he was "building his muscles".  Nathan LOVED getting a ride from his brother!  

 The trees in the orchard are perfect size for the kids to pick from, all very low with the cutest kid-sized apples.  Evan got a kick out of being able to pick and put them right in the bag with no help from me.
 There are lots of different varieties so we sampled a few types to decide which were our favorites that we wanted to bring home with us.  Poor Evan has three wiggly teeth (finally! he hasn't lost a single tooth yet, and he is coming up on 7 years old!) and this made it really hard to eat the apples.  He adopted this side bite technique that worked well enough.
 Nathan picked a few apples but he was more interested in eat the apples.  He wandered the fields with an apple in hand, munching away.

 It was a beautiful day, the orchard was so peaceful, the weather was perfect.  We enjoyed ourselves so much.  It was one of those days you just want to remember forever.
 My favorite picture of the day was this one of Nathan taking a giant bite out of his apple.
 The ride back with a bag full of delicious apples to take home!

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