Thursday, September 6, 2012

Camping Photos

Im behind on picture posting!  I have so much to share.  First, the camping pictures.  Now, I realize when people think of camping, they think of tents and roughing it.  When I think of that type of camping I panic.  That's not my style.  I prefer camping in a cabin with a door and some running water (also: a fridge, toilet, shower, mattress, electricity, heat and AC).  My type of camping is like vacationing with a little less frills.  

It was alot of fun.  The kids loved the novelty of staying in the cabin, roasting marshmallows, being up past their bedtime, glowsticks and campfires.  It was the perfect re-introduction to camping for them.  We actually had been to this same campground 4 years ago when Evan was Nathan's exact age.  I remember it being fun and easy but a great way to bond with the kids and enjoy outdoor time.  And I remembered right!  It was a great way to cap off the summer.

There was a splash park, water slides, pool and beach at the campground.  The boys got alot of water play in.  Luckily it was just warm enough for the water.  At night the temps got cooooolllld so the water wasn't very warm, but, the kids still enjoyed it.
 G grilling outside our cabin.
 Each cabin had a picnic table on the deck for dining which was really nice.
 Inside the cabin we had a sink, microwave, stove (but no oven) and full sized fridge.
 There was a full sized bed in the kitchen area.
 And two sets of bunk beds in a separate room with a door where the boys slept.  Nathan did really well in the bed which was surprising.  He is still in a crib at home, so I wasnt sure how it would go, but, he stayed in there all night.
 Justin and Sophia playing our new favorite game, Yamslam, during lunch.
 The cabins were on a dead end road, so the kids got to ride scooters and bikes up and down in front of the cabins during the day and evening.
 Two of my girlfriends and their families stayed in the two cabins next to us.  These are the three cabins on the road in a row.
 Nathan scootering.  He is impressive on that thing!!!
 Walking to the Splash park.
 Making smores around the campfire.
 Justin decided the first night it was too smokey (it was windy and the smoke was blowing in his face) so he wore his swimming goggles to roast his marshmallows.  Obviously.
 The kids in front of the Yogi statue.
 Nathan checking Yogi Bear's mail.
 The flag raising ceremony each morning with the characters.
 Our cabin.
 A water gun fight between Sophia and Justin.

 Justin and Sophia spent a couple hours working on a sand castle/fort and wanted to get their picture taken with it.  It was really nice having Sophia there because she is Justin's age, and they got along so well.  It was great for him to have a friend to hang out with.  They spent alot of time together playing.
 Nathan was the only one interested in going to meet Cindy bear.  Cute!!!
 Candy bar bingo was a big hit of the camping trip, the older kids all went while the younger kids were napping at the cabins.  Between the three moms and the four kids, we managed to win!  We walked away more than doubling our candy bars - good thing too because we needed them for smores that night!

 Evan swimming.

 Playing more Yamslam.
 Riding more bikes.
 Nathan, Ryan and Ellie playing Hotwheels on a chalk road we made.
 Nathan taking the stroller for a walk.
 Evan playing baseball, no surprise there.

 The campground had a tiny arcade the kids insisted on going to.
 Even the big kids enjoyed it :)
 Roasting marshmallows take 2.  Tonight it wasnt as windy, so no goggles for Justin.

 All the kids (minus Bella).
 Our family.

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