Monday, September 17, 2012


A video of the three older boys at the beach riding some waves.  I love how much fun they were having together.

Nathan on the beach loading hermit crabs into his dump truck.  We found so many hermit crabs on the beach.  Over a hundred at least.  Nathan played happily with them in his truck taking them for rides, putting them back and taking new ones.  It was so cute to watch.

I took out the Halloween costume bin, in anticipation of the upcoming holiday.  Nathan had a blast dressing up as everything - his favorite was a knight!  So cute.

Every week since school started, Ive been doing something "special" with Nathan.  Last week I took Nathan to his first ever movie in a theatre.  We saw Toy Story.  Nathan sat through the entire thing.  It was such a fun and great experience with him.  I got this video of him as the movie started.  He looked so cute sitting there in his own chair.

I have been meeting up with one of our friends from our old neighborhood at a local indoor play space.  This place is fabulous, its a giant turf field with lots of balls and ride on toys and room for the kids to run and play!  Nathan spent alot of time this past week pretending to crash and fall off the ride on toys.  Quite funny.

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