Monday, September 10, 2012

I Want to Remember - This Weekend

I want to remember how beautiful the weather was.  Sunny and warm with a breeze.  The ocean was still warm enough for the boys to splash around in the surf.  The sand was hot from the sun.  The clouds were white and puffy and moved across the sky making ever changing pictures that G and I watched while Nathan slept on the blanket next to us and the boys waded in the tidal pools of Gray's Beach.  I couldn't have wished for more perfect weather for this trip.

I want to remember the joy.  So many giggles and squeals from the four boys as the rode the surf in at Sea Street Beach.  Screams of excitement as Andrew, Justin and Evan played with three baby bath toy boats for half an hour, throwing the boats in the surf and watching them wash back up on the shore.  The yells of happiness at Pirates Cove mini golf as they made their way around the 18 hole course.  Justin didnt want to complete one of the holes because it was a jump and he was afraid of losing his ball.  Andrew dumping a load of sand from his bathing suit only to discover a sand flea ALIVE inside!

I want to remember the feeling of peace.  Sitting in the sand watching the boys all play, explore and enjoy themselves so completely and independently it occurred to me how peaceful I felt.  I will miss the sound of the ocean until next summer.

I want to remember the discovery.  Finding our way to a new ice cream shop on foot through the Cape streets.  My boys catching over a hundred hermit crabs on the tidal pools.  Nathan holding them with no fear, pushing them around in his dump truck in the shallow waters. Evan scooping up minnows with his net, one after another, like he had been doing it his whole life.  He caught 12 fish!  Walking the long pier with Justin holding my hand, enjoying the beauty and peace of the ocean alone with him.  Counting the planks, losing count, going back, estimating over 1600 planks on the pier.

I want to remember it all because it was perhaps two of my favorite days not only this summer but always...

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