Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Change is never easy.  Even when you know its for all the right reasons.  Even when you are certain the outcome will bring desirable effects.  Its hard to let go of the past and embrace change and a different future.  We have had big changes in our lives recently.  

An opening became available at a private school we had been toying with the idea of sending Justin to for a couple years now.  The opportunity without warning just presented itself, and it felt like it was meant to be so we went for it.  With Justin's enthusiastic agreement we enrolled him in his new school and he started his first day there today.  No butterflies, no worries, just a huge brave smile on his first day on his new adventure in life.

Why the change?  Our Justin is so very, very smart and such an enthusiastic student.  We are hoping that this new school will provide him with an environment to learn more, push himself harder and use that amazing brain in his head to its fullest capacity.  

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