Thursday, October 18, 2012

Photos in October

This is a scene you wouldn't think to find in my house, on my window sill.  Whats that?  An animal bone drying out in the sun!  The boys have my mom to thank for the "wish bone". 

Nathan playing with some stickers and exercising his fine motor skills.  The things we have learned from Evan will indeed benefit Nathan.

Nathan is quite a character lately, full of jokes and silliness.

Nathan and his friend Max playing together at a local indoor play space.  We get the boys together every week to hang out while their older siblings are slaving away at school.  Its good to be the baby of the family!
 Sliding together down the inflatable slide.
 More sliding.
 Nathan finally got brave enough to slide while facing forward!
 Pretending to buy some food.

I finally feel like I have my feet under me and Im caught up on projects.  I've been starting some crafts and activities with Nathan in our free time.  Today we made paper cars.  Nathan LOVED this project.  I cut everything and he glued it all down and then decorated with crayons.
 Nathan tracing the letters C-A-R.
 Using rock crayons - these are the BEST invention ever for encouraging proper pencil grip in little kids.  We started using them with Evan and Nathan loves them too.

I came into Justin's room to find this scene set up on his trunk.  So cool.

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