Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Been a Long Road Getting From There to Here

I randomly have this Rod Stewart song stuck in my head.  Apropos of nothing and everything these lyrics keep cycling though my mind.

This song.

It * has * been a long road, these last couple weeks.  We have been living through the joys and challenges of change.  I've adopted several truths related to change and repeated them over and over to myself, finding comfort in the repetition.

 “For some people, change is nothing but an opportunity. For others, change is a penalty.”

“If you have faith in yourself, you will accept changes easily. You won’t be afraid of who you might become.”

"A year from now you will wish you had started today.”

Justin has been fine through all of this change.  More than fine, in fact.  My brave child.  I never fully appreciated his bravery until these last couple weeks.  Its such a phenomenal quality he possess.  He has such strength and self assurance.  He exudes confidence.  And I have no idea where he gets it all from, because rest assured, if I were in his position right now, I would not be facing all this as confidently as he has done.  He has a smile on his face every morning on the way to school and every evening after his day.  We are so very proud of him.

Every day I feel more confident in our decision to place him in his new school.  He is being challenged and stimulated in ways that can only help shape that amazing mind of his and build on his incredible intelligence.  Did I mention that last week we got his national standardized testing scores back?  Our Justin scored in the 99th percentile for the nation in math.  That type of gift need to be nurtured, not ignored.  This is Justin's time to shine.  Shine on sweet son of mine, shine on....

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