Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012

Nathan found this birthday card that plays music that I got 4 years ago and it still works. He was carrying it around dancing all day.Nathan loves to paint with water colors now. He finds a paint brush or coloring book and walks up to me and says, "I paint now?" its so sweet.
A little Nathan tantrum. He sure knows he is two now!!!
My mom bought me this brownie pan, that Justin had seen on tv and told her I needed! It makes perfectly cut and portioned brownies. Justin helped me make the batter to try it out this week. It work PERFECTLY!!!! Fabulous.
Wrestling. Need I say more?
Our Christmas card door this year, over flowing with love and happiness from friends and family! Thank you everyone for your cards of cheer!!!!

I snapped this cute picture of Nathan and Evan on the couch together snuggling. So sweet.
Our New Years project: finishing the basement. Currently the big boys share a bedroom. This is wonderful and they ADORE sharing a room. Upon telling them about getting their own bedrooms Justin told me, "I dont think Im ready for that mommy. Evan is my buddy." But, with Justin's schedule being later at night and he rises earlier in the morning, this is creating some sleep issues for the two boys. So, separate rooms it is! In order to accomplish this, we need to move their playroom in the fourth bedroom to the basement. Here are some pictures of the project in its early stages right now. When its done its going to be HUGE and so nice. Its just the process of getting there....

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