Saturday, January 7, 2012

Videos - Evan and Nathan together and more karate

This is quite the video of Nathan and Evan playing with balloons. This is actually calmer than what it started out as. They were getting tired by the time I got my video camera out. Yes, its after December 25th and Nathan is still sporting Santa diapers, its the equivalent of wearing white after Labor Day.

This is a sweet video of Evan and Nathan on the couch together watching a commercial. Evan is asking Nathan if he wants the product (I have no idea what it was) for the bath tub. Nathan is having a conversation back with his brother by answering him "yes" over and over. See, sometimes they are CALM, its rare, but, not impossible to catch.

Evan made me promise to take some video today at Karate class. He is the only white belt in the class, he got a haircut too, so you may not recognize him as readily with his shaved head.

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