Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sewing, Food and Fun

My brand new electric griddle. Big enough to make at least four grill cheese sandwiches without struggling for space to flip on the pan. Also big enough to make the kind of large breakfasts my boys eat on a daily basis. Im in love!!!
The boys karate uniforms needing hemming badly. Justin used it as the perfect opportunity for a sewing lesson from my mom! He did a really fabulous job! And he was so proud of his work. I really love the fact that Justin is just so interested in everything, sewing, crafts, sports, music...you name it, Justin is excited to try it. I think that type of openness to new things and curiosity is such a fabulous personality trait for a person!
Behind this bowl lies one very hungry little boy. He is drinking the juice from his canned fruit. We have been struggling with what to feed Nathan. His latest food allergy test results have just been very hard for me to manage. Nathan is allergic to eggs, milk, corn, nuts of all types, sesame and coconut. We are avoiding all foods with these ingredients. He also has a mild allergy to soy. I have been avoiding major foods with soy like soy milk and soy yogurt. But, havent been able to eliminate soy completely. The corn is the killer right now. Corn is in everything. Corn syrup, corn meal, its there, if you look for it. We havent been able to find a cracker that Nathan can eat yet. Every single one has corn in some form in them. We switched ketchup brands because even our ketchup had corn in it. And dont get me started on chicken nuggets, a staple in our home. Ive been cooking alot from scratch. Muffins, pancakes, breads, pretty much anything that isnt a whole food needs to be made from scratch in order to be safe from Nathan's allergens. Luckily my mom took pity on me and made Nathan up a huge batch of turkey and chicken nuggets from scratch with no allergens in them. Thanks mom!!!!
Nathan abandoned coloring in favor of stacking his crayons. He was quite proud of his tower!!
Justin has chores he has to do around the house now. Vacuuming, clearing the table, putting away his clothes, its nice to have help around the house!!!
Nathan playing with stickers. He likes them on his hands. Some days he will stack up ten of them on top of eachother on the back sides of his hands. Its pretty silly and cute.
Evan got this tracing board from my parents for Christmas. Today he was busily working away on tracing some Cars characters. Its really good fine motor work for him. It wasnt easy, but, he managed to do some great tracing work.

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