Saturday, January 7, 2012

Photos from the First Week of January

This week we laid low and hung around the house. I was very sick with strep throat and then from the antibiotics prescribed for the strep throat. It made for a very quiet week. Aside from feeling so lousy, it was quite a nice change of pace. The younger two boys found lots to entertain themselves with during our days at home. Here are some pictures from the week...

One of Evan's favorite toys are Army men. He loves setting them up, making scenes with them, pretending with them. Its hours worth of entertainment for him. We had a visit from my parents. My dad and G worked on our basement project, while my mom and I had a marathon game of U Build Monopoly with Justin and Evan. Three hours later, Justin won!
Nathan painted while we played, for a little while at least, entertaining himself.
Nathan enjoyed some rare time playing with all his big brothers' toys in the playroom which was newly cleaned and baby proofed (for the moment at least).
We go old school when it comes to 3D technology: View Masters. Nathan discovered he can "see" the images now and is in love. He spent quite awhile taking out the different round cards and putting new ones in to view.
We set up some train track and had fun with trains too. Nathan can put the track together himself now, which is fun!!!

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