Friday, January 27, 2012

The 2011 Awards

You may remember here that I did an photo awards last year at the end of 2010. Im just now getting around to the 2011 awards, better late than never right?! There are some new categories and some of the same from 2010. Click back and check out 2010's awards I cant believe how much older all the boys look!!!

Favorite photo of 2011: This one of Nathan eating a tomato right from my garden. This photo just makes me smile, the mischief/joy in Nathan's eyes is perfect.
Best purchase of 2011: The swing set.
Biggest project of the year: The shed.
Most ironic picture: Nathan in a giant sandbox of corn. At the time we had no idea he was so allergic to it.
Best birthday: Evan's 5th birthday celebrated at an indoor water park!
Best display of Athletics: Justin walking on his hands.
Best celebration: My Nana's 98th birthday party with our entire family. Wonderful.
Worst Storm of the Year, Longest Time Without Power: The blizzard of October.
Scariest glimpse into my future: Justin driving the bumper cars by himself this year.
Most phallic picture: Um, what can I say, I *think* they were supposed to be chocolate dipped bananas.
Most ridiculous task: Vacuuming up hundreds of balls off the floor just to have more continuously dumped back on the floor. I just couldn't help myself.

Wettest experience of the year: Storyland Pharaoh's ride. Thats my kind cousin in the right of the picture soaking us all!! Soaking wet but so much fun. Best funny face: Evan with post-it notes.
Best food photo: Canned salsa all ingredients straight from our garden.
Cutest animal and child combination: Nathan feeding goats at a local farm.
Least likely photograph to hang on the wall: The men in my life. Now do you see why Im crazy?!

Best staged photo: Me eating ice cream in front of the arcade on Martha's Vineyard. Justin didnt want to come with us out on this evening because we were doing "boring" things, so my mom and I staged this photo to show him all the "boring" things we did while he wasnt with us.
Best round of golf: Martha's Vineyard's only mini golf on the island, and the most expensive mini golf we have ever played, but, by far the most fun too!
Best catch: the hundreds of toads and frogs caught in our yard this year. Ive never seen so many in a yard ever. The boys were obviously thrilled by this, G not so much when he mowed the lawn.
Most awkward sleeping position: Nathan on the couch sitting upright.
Best display of brotherly affection: this is a TIE this year. Justin and Evan on the couch watching tv.
And Evan and Nathan on the couch watching tv.
Best tantrum: Nathan, hands down, wins this award many times over this year. Its tough being a toddler and not getting your way.
Best Group Photo: the cousins together during our vacation to Vermont. Look at all those boys!!!

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