Sunday, January 29, 2012

Goodbye January

I can hardly believe its the end of January already. Im happy though, this means that Spring is one month closer!!! I cant wait to leave the winter behind us and all the colds and sickness too. Poor little Nathan has had a never ending cold for the entire week. Consequently, we spent the majority of the week inside.

I hosted cooking club this month at my house. I made this vegetable lasagna: YUM.
Cooking club with four of my favorite mom friends!
I laugh every time someone comes over our house and uses the bathroom and I have to explain that they should ignore the wine. Nice huh? We keep wine in our bathroom to ferment. Eww.
Evan brought home this craft book from school, and was very excited to make the rabbit in the book. He did a really great job cutting and gluing the whole thing himself. He has come so far. Here he is tracing a bowl to get a circle.
Here is the finished product. The ears are there, just bent back behind the rabbit.

A cute picture of Nathan in the bob the builder shirt that used to be Justin's shirt when he was this age. He reminds me so much of Justin here.

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