Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stitches and Fun

Ah, poor Justin. Yesterday was quite the "unlucky" day for him, being Friday the 13th. Justin had a half day of school, Evan had no school. After Justin got off the bus our neighbor's son came over and the boys played at our house inside for a few hours, at which point I convinced them all to go outdoors to play in the snow. Justin was reluctant but the other boys convinced him to go out. Not an hour into playing outside I hear a blood curdling cry and rush to see Justin slumped over on the steps sobbing. Justin never cries. He gets angry, he gets disappointed, but, never, ever sheds tears. I knew it was bad when I saw the tears streaming down his face. In his hysterics, and with his hat on, I couldnt quite figure out that he had bumped his head at first. When I finally figured it out, I took one look at it and headed to urgent care.

Luckily Justin's hat absorbed alot of the blood and hid it from his view (anyone who knows Justin knows he hates the sight of blood more than anything else in this world). The story unfolded as the stitches were put in place. Justin was sledding on his knees and hit the mailbox with his forehead. It was a deep cut, more like a puncture wound, but not long or large. Man, did it bleed. The white towel they gave us at the doctor's office to hold on his head when I finally peeled off his hat, was not white for long.

So, now Justin is sporting a tough looking bandaid and cant shower for several days (much to his delight). He was lucky it wasnt more serious and he didnt get a concussion from the crash.

This marks 3 separate stitches incidents in our household thus far. Evan: 2, Justin: 1. For those of you keeping score.

Here is Justin the day after:
And here is cute Nathan in a plastic container playing tonight with G. It shows how small he is, that he can fit in this little plastic container fully, and how dangerous it is to leave containers out for him to climb into.

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