Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Basement Project

This is the wall color and tile. I tried to choose a light wall color to off set the dark tile.
I haven't mentioned the basement project in a couple weeks. Its coming along nicely! All the mudding and sanding of the existing walls is completed!!! G and I went to Lowes a week ago and picked out the tile and paint color all in one evening - with all three of the boys with us! This is a feat for me, I usually painstakingly debate decisions like this. But, redoing nearly every surface in our home has given me a little bit of courage I guess. Still left to do for the basement: painting of the ceilings, building of two walls, installing of a door, tiling the floor, installing shelving, shuffling of toys/furniture.

In conjunction with finishing the basement, we are moving all three of the boys into separate and different rooms. Nothing is ever done small in our house. This means lots of new furniture (Justin is getting a big boy bed since he has nearly outgrown his lofted twin bed), reorganizing of rooms, toys, clothes, etc. I feel like we are moving all over again! This morning I spent three hours in the playroom and the big boys' bedroom organizing and getting rid of toys. Each boy is going to have a few toys in their bedroom and the remainder is going to be in the basement playroom. Im hoping to get my living room back before the spring!!!

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