Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More videos - karate and a book

Another karate video for your viewing enjoyment. This one is from Justin's class tonight. Did I mention that Justin and Evan attend one night a week together and two nights a week each separately. If you need to reach me, you know where Ill be most afternoons and evenings from this point forward. Justin was in the 7-9 year old class tonight, so boys his own age, it was a nice small class. He told me it was "awesome" afterwards and was beaming the whole evening. I love to see him so happy.

Here is a sweet video of Nathan reading a new book he got for Christmas (thank you Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom - he LOVES the book) with G. He really is talking quite a lot now. He says three and four word phrases now. Some of his favorites are "here it is" or "where did [whatever he is looking for] go?" For a boy, and compared to Evan and Justin when they were this age, I feel like he is very verbal. He must take after his mommy :) I like to talk alot too, if you haven't already noticed!

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