Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The boys started karate tonight! Karate was their Christmas present from Santa. After many years of begging and pleading I finally relented. But, the best part is that *I* didnt have give in, Santa did! Both boys were beaming the entire time. It was so nice to watch them enjoying themselves. I am especially excited about karate for Evan, to continue work on his gross motor skills and help him with some sequencing issues that he needs help with. The best part about the studio we chose is that once a week the boys can be in class together.

Here are a couple videos of the boys at their first class. Evan is the back row, left boy, Justin is the tall blond, back row right. The yelling is the baby who was pretty darn excited to participate from the sidelines watching and yelling when the class did which was very cute.

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