Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Beginning of the End - The 365 Blog

You may follow us on: and know that for the last year Ive been really busy fulfilling my New Year's Resolution to take a picture a day and post it on the blog to share a snapshot of our days with our family and friends. Or you may not. Either way, its all changing soon!

Ive been thinking long and hard (read: just realized this week) about the end of the year and the end of our 365 blog. And while its been a ton of fun and really inspired me to take ltos of pictures of the boys, its also been ALOT of work. And occassionally Ive been a bit stressed out about getting the pictures up in a timely manner. Ive decided that I dont need any more obligations that are not fulfilling in my life.

Something I love to do that I never have time for is scrapbooking. I have piles and piles of pictures that I would love to get into albums. So, I decided that Im going to concentrate on scrapbooking some of our favorite memories instead of blogging them. But wait, its not the end really! Ill post the scrapbook pages on a new blog! And then everyone can share in our memories and pictures. Now obviously this wont be every day, because, well, let be real, I dont have that kind of time (I have three kids remember). However, my goal is going to be one page a week! 52 pages in a year would be a phenomenal achievement since in two years I dont think Ive scrapbooked more than 10 pages. Sigh....

And of course Ill post occasional photo updates here too. So, keep coming back!!! I love sharing our lives with our family and friends and that, will never change.

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