Thursday, December 8, 2011

Santa, An Elf, Gingerbread Houses, Parades...Oh My!!!

Oh that silly elf! "Jevin" has officially been with us over a week now and he is having fun making the kids laugh and causing some trouble while he watches over them and reports back to Santa. Its fun to see the boys search for him every morning when they get up. He has found some pretty silly places to hide! On the toilet paper holder.Playing with the Wii remote in the playroom.
Using the toothpaste.
One day he even packed Justin's "lunch" for him for school. Heehee...
The annual train building has begun. We took the boys to Lowes for the first of three sections of the holiday train. Last year the boys had so much fun making the train that we knew we had to go back this year. It was fun to have Scott and Andrew there too this year!

The boys made their annual gingerbread houses this weekend! Its always a favorite holiday activity in our house because the kids are allowed to munch on candy while they work. Its really cool to see them improve their decorating skills from year to year and watch their creativity blossom. I can't wait until Nathan is old enough to join in the fun, this year though, we did it while he napped. I dug up my picture from last year of the awesome pre-built houses that I bought last year and hunted them down again this year. Not only are the houses prebuilt but the icing is premixed. No more struggling with too thin icing and sliding sides, roof, walls. The kids aren't allowed to eat their actual houses until after my mom's birthday Dec 19th. Its just been the arbitrary day Ive chosen in the past that has now become tradition. This way I dont hear lots of begging and pleading every day. And also, the houses get nice and stale and the kdis are less likely to devour the whole thing!

On Sunday Justin walked in the town parade with his Cub Scouts pack. G, my dad, Evan, Nathan, Scott, Andrew and myself all came to cheer him on and see the parade. Nathan LOVED the firetrucks at the end. Evan and Andrew liked the candy that the kids threw. We also got a glimpse of Santa in the parade which is always a crowd pleaser :)

You might remember from last year here ( ) my montage of Santa pictures. This year we had one more to add to it! The boys really enjoyed their Santa experience this year. Except that neither of the older boys knew what to ask Santa for. Actually this is not entirely true, Justin did tell Santa, "I have two things I want for Christmas this year but mommy told me Santa wont get them for me. A skateboard and a DS." Santa just smiled and laughed, "hohoho". Justin took that as a big fat agreement with mom. Shhh...what they dont know is that Santa already knows what he is getting the older boys for Christmas: karate lessons. Ive been systematically exploring all the local karate places to see which I think will fit our schedule and needs. I plan to make my final decision next week and buy and wrap the karate uniforms for Christmas morning. The boys are going to be out of their mind with excitement. I have been long since telling them that karate is just not going to happen. I finally think they can handle it and not kill eachother with what they learn.

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