Sunday, December 5, 2010


2004 (Justin 0ne yr) 2005 (Justin 2)

2006 (Justin 3 yrs, Evan 9 months). Also worst Santa EVER.
2007 (Justin 4 years, Evan 1 1/2 yrs)

2008 (Justin 5 years, Evan 2 1/2 years)

2010 (Justin 7 years, Evan 4 1/2 yrs, Nathan 1 yr)

We went to the mall for our annual Santa visit! We managed to squeeze into line and get a quick picture right before Santa had to take a break to "feed his reindeer", I imagine adult beverages were also consumed during this break. Here is the picture of the boys, no one cried (to include mom and dad) so that's something!!! Justin was very serious this year about deciding what to ask Santa for. He actually had a nightmare the night before in which he was mumbling "I didnt have time to think of what I really wanted from Santa". Then when the big moment came, Evan actually blurted out what Justin had painstakingly decided on. Which left Justin reeling in a PANIC moment and he had to scramble to think of something else. It was very sweet and funny.

Here also are the boys with Santa from the last 6 years (excluding last year - nearly nothing was done last year due to one very small baby and one very tired mom and daddy). My FAVORITE year is 2007 when Evan decided that Santa was the scariest thing ever to exist (until he met the Easter bunny), when clearly 2006's Santa was the scariest thing ever. I bought the picture because how could you not buy that?! I plan to have it enlarged and framed for his future girlfriends.

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