Sunday, January 22, 2012

Disney on Ice

We took the big boys to Disney on Ice. A huge thanks to my mom and dad for watching Nathan so we didnt have to take him to the show. Sorry Nathan, but, you have to wait to attend a show when #1 you will remember it, #2 you will sit in your seat the entire show, #3 you give up your nap in the middle of the show (please dont give up your nap for the next 3+ years though).

The boys ADORED the show. Its the first time they have been to an event like this. It was so magical. Justin had this huge grin on his face the whole time. And I was worried that he might be too old for this type of thing! Turns out you are never, ever too old for ice skating and Disney. It was even more magical, if thats possible for Evan who was in wide eyed wonder about everything in the show.

And there was so much to be in awe over! This show had Its a Small World, Toy Story, Lion King, Finding Nemo, Mickey Mouse, Alladin, and so much more. It was light on the princesses, which worked out fabulous for my boys. There was one combined performance for all the princess and princes to romantically skate around with eachother. The little girls about 3 or 4 year olds who sat behind us squealed in delight each time a new princess came out and chanted her name. This was actually quite cute and very helpful because a couple of them, I had no idea who they were. Evan turns to me and asks, "how do they know all these names?!" I let him in on the secret that little girls love princesses. He told me, "oh, I just thought they watched alot of Disney Channel". Ahhh, to grow up with no sisters.

What a fabulous day.

1 comment:

Holly said...

So fun!!! It was a wonderful show!