Monday, November 1, 2010

To Justin On the Occassion of Your Seventh Birthday

My first born, you turn seven today. Seven. The number takes my breath away. How could you possibly be seven years old? Yet, to look at you I immediately know it is true. You have the tell-tale seven year old smile, toothless. And to watch and know you, one has no doubt that gone are the baby, toddler and little kid days. You are a big kid now. This makes me one part sad, but many parts happy, because although you were a sweet baby and lovable toddler, you are such a great big kid.

Justin, you are uniquely and wonderfully you. You are energetic and outgoing, funny and kind. You make friends so easily, you leave a room with everyone knowing your name. You are the life of the party! You are so smart, Ive never met another child with so much math sense at such a young age. You are creative and imaginitive. You have the fiercest determination of anyone I know, occassionally this drive me crazy but most the time I appreciate it. You are a diligent and hard worker at everything you do. You are so very neat and clean (dont ever forget how much mommy appreciates these qualities - they make her work load lighter). You have the most wonderfully blue eyes that sparkle with mischieve and curiosity and life. Those eyes light up my life with happiness, excitement and joy. Since you have been born there has never, ever been a dull moment.

Thank you for being my son. Thank you for a million smiles and kisses, I carry them with me even when you arent. Thank you for every day of the seven years I have known and loved you. Even the toughest of days because they have made me a stronger person. Thank you for giving my life purpose and meaning beyond anything I could have achieved on my own. I love being your mom. I love you a GOOGLE PLEX (our inside joke).

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