Thursday, November 11, 2010

Justin's Seventh Birthday Take Two

Monday was a busy day, Justin had school and gymnastics class, and then we squeezed in his birthday cake and presents. Justin had picked a cake from the store for his actual birthday, a football one. My parents came over for cake and to give Justin his presents. Justin got a really cool Loopz game that is a big hit with everyone (sheepish grin - including me). We got Justin his very own golf club set, that he has already put to use!!! He is so excited to start golfing with daddy and Pa. Evan gave Justin the Minotaur Lego game that Justin was begging for - I dont know who was more excited about the present. I got the absolute best picture of Justin opening the present and Evan literally jumping in excitement for what he gave his brother. It so truly captures what a wonderful big heart my Evan has and how much he feels for others. I will always cherish this picture of him.
I am still in disbelief that Justin is now SEVEN years old.

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