Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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Thanksgiving through the years....
Last year Thanksgiving was celebrated in the hospital with the arrival of our baby boy Nathan, all other years have been a bit more traditional :)
A couple of the years it was just G and I for Thanksgiving (so no one to take a family photo of us 2004, 2005). I dont think I even broke out my camera in 2005 - THE HORROR!!! I have no pictures from that year.
My favorite Thanksgiving will probably forever be last year. We had so much to be grateful for after such a scary arrival, Nathan was healthy and doing well on Thanksgiving Day. Our most comical thanksgiving has to be the year (I think it was 2001) when we hosted my entire family and G's family (20+ people) at our house and the oven broke!!! The turkey wound up being microwaved. It was disasterous and hilarious and I will always look back and smile on that year, and NEVER EVER host a large Thanksgiving again.
Wishing all our friends and family a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We had so very much to be grateful for this year as we celebrate with a full heart, family and new home.

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